Ready for your words to ooze confidence? Book a free story starter call.

Find the words to share your brilliance. The world needs to know the magic you have in store.

Laura & Becca

They call us the story queens 

Hi there, we’re Becca Aspin and Laura Andrew, cofounders, copywriters and confidence coaches who love supporting businesses and creatives to share their magic through the power of words.

We love writing about pages… for other people (insert our most used emoji in our whatsapp chat 🤪).

It’s probably our favourite piece of copy to write, because we get to delve deep into the world and stories of our clients. 

Nothing gives us spine tingling, finally-found-our-purpose goosebumps than seeing the reaction of a client reading their signature story, as ordinary moments become extraordinary and wonder words do their magical thing of effortlessly selling offerings and connecting with the right people. 

If we’re honest, we found writing our own About Page really hard. We won’t share how long it’s actually taken us to write it, or what version we’re on. But we recently felt pulled to give this page a good ole edit after we realised it was missing something fundamental. 

More of us. More of our story. 

But I’m so ordinary, said Laura, as we sat down to begin. 

But as you’ll soon find out - sharing stories is what will connect you to your audience and most often than not it's in sharing your ordinary stories where the magic lies 

So let’s start at the beginning.



Once upon a time, back in 2008 - the year Barack Obama made history and Amy Winehouse topped the charts - two girls met hustling away at a Yorkshire-based PR agency. 

On realising we both went to college in America we felt an electric pull to be friends, to share our love for Target, cinnamon buns and adventuring beyond the expected. 

It was during this time we truly grasped the magic of words, hand in hand with the magic of friendship. Where we discovered a cleverly crafted hook could mean the difference between a press release that fizzles out like yesterday's Dr Pepper (hey there, did my email land in your inbox?) or snagging a coveted spot in Grazia's pages.

The years passed but our friendship remained. 

We swapped agency life for senior roles in public sector communications, as we tiredly crawled up the ladder (because at this point we had said hello to kids and sleepless nights as we hung on by the skin of our teeth to society’s expectations we could have it all albeit at the expense of our sanity). 

On realising we couldn't hold all the things, over a jug of Sangria we began to plan our escape from the corporate world, to be our own bosses, reinvent flextime and create our own boutique agency. 

After years of being consistently fully booked for corporates and arts festivals, we realised what we loved more than anything was empowering others to take the steps to create businesses they could be proud of and launch projects that made a difference.



Daydreamers by heart, doers by nature, for years we saw incredible start ups, new-to-business owners and project managers who wanted to create something special but needed the support to make it happen, with a different agency model. So we created it.

  • If you know deep down you and your stories are full of possibility
  • If you're struggling to know find the words to share your magic
  • If you want your words to feel more impactful
  • If you don’t know what sets you or your business apart
  • If you're desperate to feel more confident
  • If you want to make writing about your business a pleasure not a pain

You're in the right place.



Our story is decades old, with chapters of intense crisis communication for the emergency services and NHS, leading on comms for corporates and award-winning creative projects, consultancy for the arts and sold-out festivals, mentoring teams and coaching communicators.

So, how do we use all this experience to support you?

  • We mentor new and established businesses to establish their storytelling strategy and find their messaging magic.
  • We coach copywriting and confidence, guiding you to seek out the clarity in your message so you can take practical action to feel confident every time you write.
  • We support business owners to identify how to make their brands stand out from the crowd with words that captivate and connect.
  • We do the writing for you, crafting the words your business needs and your clients want to experience. 

But why do we do what we do?

  • Clear, compelling communication is the foundation of every impactful business and nothing lights us up more than seeing clients shedding (happy) tears when they see their ideas brought to life through words. 
  • Everyone has a unique story to tell and the story is powerful. By empowering you to share your message with confidence, we're supporting you to unlock your full potential and achieve your goals - and the world need more of this magic.
  • Writing isn't just about putting words on a page, it's about transforming businesses and lives for the better. By guiding you to stand out and amplify your voice, the potential for positive impact is limitless. 
  • Clarity fused with action leads to confidence. And seeing you confidently share your message is why we're here.

You get the drift, we know a thing or two. You're in good hands with us.

Crisis of confidence? We've been there.

We're pros at writing copy.

But when it came to writing the words for our own business at a time of significant change, it felt uncomfortable. Deeply uncomfortable.

We knew what we wanted to do but doubted our ability. We questioned our capabilities and consequently, faffed about with our copy for way longer than we'd like to admit.

Unsatisfied, we threw ourselves into an intensive period of learning with renowned American coaches, we emerged more capable and ready than ever to support brands, businesses and creatives to put purpose into words and feel confident with every piece of copy.

Driving us forward is a fierce friendship founded on shared values of freedom, respect, curiosity and home. When we work together, you get us by your side, on your team ready to make some magic.


More about us 

Our core values


You're the editor of the story, you get to decide what happens. 

After years of being fully booked through word-of-mouth recommendation, our aha moment came when we kept being approached by small businesses who were all struggling to nail their messaging and define their businesses.

Passionate about helping them, we made the decision to look at a new agency model to support them more sustainably.   

For us, our mission is to guide business owners, creatives and project owners like you to find clarity and learn the know-how so you can put purpose into your words and let your dream clients and customers see what you’re all about.

You have too great a gift to not shout about it. 


Better together

There are some people in life you’re destined to meet.

At first, you might not know what it is that pulls you in. Maybe a smile, an outfit, a feeling, a longing to have some of what they’ve got. To be their friend.

Conversations later reveal you’ve got shared values, loves and big visions. You’re better together.

That’s what happened to us when we first met. It's how we’ve always worked. It's how we’ll work with you.

Because co-creation is when it gets fun. It’s where you can be yourself, play to your strengths and ditch the overwhelm.

It's where the magic happens.

In a powerful blend of hands-on consultancy and coaching, we play to our strengths in everything we do.

Becca is all about the idea, the blank page, furiously getting it all down while Laura does the talking to get the story started. Not a fan of the blank page and lover of a good chin wag, Laura guides you to discover the real magic in your messaging.

This is the co-creation energy we bring to you.

So if you're ready to get intimate with your business, your words and us, let's co-create something magical.  


The truth is, captivating copywriting begins with clarity and confidence. 

If you want your ideal clients or customers to say YES! to whatever you're offering, they have to believe in what you're saying, trust in what you're offering and be curious enough to dig a little deeper.

If you don't feel confident or if you're not entirely sure what you mean, how can you expect your potential new customers to understand?

It can feel really hard figuring all this out on your own. 

Over the past eight years we've empowered and supported businesses and founders to put real purpose into their words. The results have been incredible. But don't just take our word for it. Check out some of the wonderful feedback we've had. 

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Ready to co-create?

Life's busy and when you've got a list full of all-the-things, sometimes it's hard to know where to start. But if life's taught us anything, it's you can't hit snooze on your stories forever. 

If you’re ready to get cracking and create copy with confidence, we’re your women.

Whether you’re looking for the modern agency retainer your business needs (hello The Nest), want to get your words edited in Copy Edit Club®ď¸Ź, align your storytelling with your strategy in a 1:1 strategy session or you want to hand the words over to us to write for you, we can help with our powerful blend of hands-on consultancy and coaching. 

Take a look around, sign up to become a Story Insider and let's get co-creating. We're so excited you're here. 

Let's work together

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